It reminds me in so many ways that
You know the kind who go to work, go home, go to work, go home. Mixed in with cooking tea, doing housework, etc.
Nursing is my passion, my calling and not just a job.
Opps, I am in no way putting people down who work in supermarkets because that is life, and people have to do that to support their families and I admire them in so many ways, to do that every single day, they do not moan, they just do it because that is what life is for them.
And it is bloody hard out there to make a living and support a family.
Sometimes when I pick my son up from preschool (it is across the road from the hospital). I watch nurses going to work, and they look miserable, and I have asked myself, is that what I am getting myself into? But I have come to realise that I would not be doing this to just have a job to make money, it is more then that.
Nursing is so so much more then that, and throughout my training, every single week it becomes something more, it is so hard to explain.
It changes who you are, the studying, the thinking, everything.